Meanwhile, OUTRAGE are gearing up the campaign. We have sought the opinion of a QC with experience of minerals applications and have been advised by him that we have a good case against Oxfordshire County Council. Together with the firm of solicitors who have advised us in our case against the Environment Agency, our QC will write a legal opinion on our behalf to all members of the OCC Planning and Regulation committee and will address the committee on the day itself.
All this will cost - but OUTRAGE believes that it will be a sum well worth paying. As laymen we have little power to move a Council so determined to favour this application. If we are to be taken seriously, our arguments need to be delivered by professional lawyers. For maximum impact, we believe that our QC is the man for the job.
WE appeal to you to help us raise the necessary funds. Our four-year campaign against gravel extraction at Stonehenge Farm is now facing its greatest challenge. The possibility of increased flood risk hangs in the balance, together with the fate of our roads, footpaths and countryside. We need to show that we are serious, that our opposition is real and that we will not be rolled over.
Monetary donations of any amount, large or small, would be very much appreciated. They should be made payable to OUTRAGE and sent to our Treasurer:
John Downes, Greenfields,