We need people to put their hands deep into their pockets and contribute to our fighting fund. All donations to The Treasurer, Outrage, Greenfields, Church Road, Northmoor, Witney, Oxon OX29 5SX.
- We need people to support our fund-raising events. We are running a series of fund raising events, the first one being our Race Night - 14th November. Or you could attend or host a Pyramid Party (coffee morning, lunches, high tea, supper or dinner party), donate goods, service or skill for a promise auction, or a raffle prize for a future event.
- We need people to drop into the Public Inquiry at Northmoor Village Hall. Please put the date in your diary now - 17th - 20th November and 24th – 27th November.
The proposed gravel extraction is a huge threat to us all - the future of our rural community depends on Outrage winning at the Public Inquiry. We know having legal experts gives us the greatest chance of persuading the Inspector to reject the Appeal, but we also know there is a financial cost involved. Last year we managed to raise the £10K needed to fight the planning application – and we won. We can do it again, if everyone helps. We have estimated that there are about 2500 of us living in the area affected. If every household contributes something, we will meet our target.