The Planning and Regulation Committee today voted 8-6 to reject the Stonehenge Farm application. This came after a long debate - should they or should they not wait for the WODC Final Flood Report and the joint Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. In the end the Committee voted unanimously not to defer again, and then adjourned to decide how to frame a motion to reject. When they returned, they quickly voted by 8-6 with one abstention to reject the application.
The Committee swiftly moved on to the next item on the Agenda, and we all emerged blinking into the twilight like the political prisoners set free in Beethoven's opera Fidelio, scarcely able to believe that it really had happened.
This was a wonderful result, and OUTRAGE is immensely grateful to the many, many people who have helped to bring it about.
Of course, in the end it's just like the opera - not done till the fat lady sings - Hanson may well appeal. But for now, it's the interval, and we can enjoy what we have all along been trying to save.