We have now received a text for the motion that was passed at the Planning and Regulation Committee on 24 November 2008 refusing permission for sand and gravel extraction at Stonehenge Farm, Northmoor. The text seems to omit one word, presumably "from" as indicated below by italic text in square brackets.
The motion refers to some policies: MWLP policy PE7 and WOLP policies NE8 and NE9. "MWLP" stands for "Minerals and Waste Local Plan" and "WOLP" stands for "West Oxfordshire Local Plan". These policies are quoted here for convenience.
The motion refusing permission:
That planning permission for the development proposed in Application 07/0111/P/CM be refused for the following reasons:
- It has not been sufficiently demonstrated to the satisfaction of the County Planning Authority that the impact of the proposed development would not increase the risk to people, property and businesses arising [from] additional flood risk.
- That routeing agreements have proved ineffective in the past and in practice.
- The development is contrary to MWLP Policy PE7 and WOLP NE8 and NE9.
In the floodplain proposals for mineral extraction and restoration should not result in the raising of existing ground levels. Mineral extraction or restoration by landfill should not adversely affect groundwater levels or water quality, impede flood flows, reduce the capacity of flood storage or adversely affect existing flood defence structures. The developer and/or landowner will be expected to undertake any hydrological surveys necessary to establish the implications of a proposal.
POLICY NE8 - Flood Risk:New development or intensification of existing development will not be permitted within areas at risk from flooding which is likely to:
- impede the flow of water;
- result in the net loss of flood plain storage; or
- increase the flood risk elsewhere.
POLICY NE9 - Surface Water:
New development or intensification of existing development will not be permitted where the additional surface water run-off would result in adverse impacts such as an increased risk of flooding, river channel instability or damage to habitats, unless appropriate attenuation and pollution control measures are provided.